You can change the defaults for tinify() using tinify_defaults(). tinify_defaults() takes all the same arguments as tinify() except file and key.

Any arguments set in tinify_defaults() will apply to all subsequent calls of tinify():


#> Filesize reduced by 50%:
#> example.png (20K) => example_tiny.png (10K)
#> 13 Tinify API calls this month

tinify_defaults(suffix = "_small")

#> Tinify 'suffix' changed to: "_small"


#> Filesize reduced by 50%:
#> example2.png (20K) => example2_small.png (10K)
#> 14 Tinify API calls this month

Setting the defaults, and in particular return_path, lets you use easily use tinify() in other image functions that take a string as the image file path to automatically shrink, resize, and insert images throughout your document:

tinify_defaults(suffix = "_resized",
                quiet = TRUE,
                return_path = "proj", 
                resize = list(method = "scale",
                             width = 100))

#> Tinify 'suffix' changed to: "_resized"
#> Tinify 'quiet' changed to: TRUE
#> Tinify 'return_path' changed to: "proj"
#> Tinify 'resize' method changed to: "scale"
#> Tinify 'resize' width changed to: 100



Viewing current defaults

To see all the current defaults set, call tinify_defaults() without any arguments:


#> Tinify 'overwrite' set to: FALSE
#> Tinify 'suffix' set to: "_tiny"
#> Tinify 'quiet' set to: FALSE
#> Tinify 'return_path' set to: No return
#> Tinify 'resize' set to: No resize

Overrule defaults

Any arguments supplied directly to tinify() will always overrule any default options:

tinify_defaults(suffix = "_small")

#> Tinify 'suffix' changed to: "_small"

tinify("example2.png", suffix = "_shrunk")

#> Filesize reduced by 50%:
#> example2.png (20K) => example2_shrunk.png (10K)
#> 15 Tinify API calls this month


#> Filesize reduced by 50%:
#> example2.png (20K) => example2_small.png (10K)
#> 16 Tinify API calls this month

Setting defaults from YAML file

If you use Rstudio projects and would like to set the defaults for an entire project, you could also include a tinify.yml file in your project directory with your desired default options:

suffix: "_resized"
quiet: true
  method: "scale"
  width: 300

If tinify.yml is present in your project directory, these options will be detected and set as the defaults when you load tinieR with library(tinieR) or using tinieR::. Note: these will not change any options previously set manually using options() prior to loading tinieR.

Once loaded, these options can still be changed with tinify_defaults() or overruled by providing arguments in tinify() as normal, if required.

Returning to default options

The options quiet and overwrite only accept TRUE or FALSE as their settings. If you change one of these and wish to change it back, just set it again with the opposite option:

tinify_defaults(quiet = FALSE)

#> Tinify 'quiet' changed to: FALSE

For suffix, you must enter a character string as an option. If you change suffix and wish to set it back to the default, just set it again as "_tiny":

tinify_defaults(suffix = "_tiny")

#> Tinify 'suffix' changed to: "_tiny"

If you set defaults for either return_path or resize and wish to switch these options back off again, just set them to NULL:

tinify_defaults(return_path = NULL)

#> Tinify 'return_path' changed to: No return

Finally, if you unload the tinieR package, you will also clear any default options currently set. If you then reload the package, tinieR will try and load any defaults from tinify.yml if present, then default to the package default settings.